12V to 5V的機車電源轉換器 - 電機實驗室 小老婆汽機車資訊網 我是用LM2576-5去做 12V to 5V壓降~這顆 IC 可以做input 45V>Vin>8V output 5V 0.5A ,小老婆汽機車資訊網
5V/12V/15V or Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low IQ, Step-Up DC-DC Controllers ( 5V, 12V, or 15V), and it has a power-fail comparator for low-battery detection. All devices have ...
自組電腦分享- 問一下, 需要DC 12V 轉5V 省電的轉換IC , 有誰能提供一 ... 因為, 需要DC 12V 轉5V 來使用.7805好像功率很差..... 轉換過程中一直高熱...
( 85 ) 車用12V 電源轉5V 1A 的穩壓電路by bx2aw @ bx2aw :: 隨意窩 ... ( 85 ) 車用12V 電源轉5V 1A 的穩壓電路TO : 三重林先生供應5V 1.5W 風扇使用的 電源IC 7805 請加散熱片幫助散熱IC 7805 接腳辨識: 請面向IC 7805 印刷字體接腳 ...
廣華_ 穩壓Regulator IC - 廣華電子 IC7805B, +5V 1A IC 中古. IC7806, +6V 1A 7806 IC. IC7807, +7V 1A 7807 IC. IC7808, +8V 1A 7808 IC. IC7809, +9V 1A 7809 IC. IC7812, +12V 1A 7812 IC.
LM2577 5V to 12V DC Converter step up Voltage Regulator ... 18 Sep 2007 ... If you are looking a ICs for a DC to DC converter job. I highly recommend of IC- LM1577/LM2577 supply all of the power and control functions ...
12v to 5v DC high efficiency SMPS buck converter using 34063 IC ... This project converts 12v DC to a regulated 5v DC at up to 1.8 amps, suitable for driving a tablet computer from a 12v car battery in a power ...
MAX770–MAX773 5V/12V/15V or Adjustable, High ... - Maxim put can be set to 5V, 12V, or 15V, or it can be adjusted with two ... For free samples & the latest literature: http://www.maxim-ic.com, or phone 1-800-998- 8800.
LT1107 - Micropower DC/DC Converter Adjustable and Fixed 5V, 12V s 3V to 5V, 5V to 12V Converters s 24V to 5V, 12V to 5V Converters s LCD Bias Generators s Peripherals and Add-On Cards s Battery Backup Supplies.